Thursday, August 28, 2014

Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh constitute the 'Buffalo Belt' of India

Infographic of relative populations of cattle and buffaloes in different states of India.

Data source and analysis:

Data was obtained from the 18th Live Stock Census, Department of animal husbandry, dairying & fisheries, of the ministry of agriculture. Census data was analyzed using the normalized log-ratio method. The log of ratio of cattle to buffalo was normalized to values between 0 and 1. Normalized values were assigned an RGB color value using the colorRamp package in R ( White-red and white-blue color ramps were assigned to positive and negative log-ratios respectively.

Some notable patterns:

  • Hilly states (JK, HP, UK, North-eastern states) have more cattle as compared to buffaloes.
  • States with water scarcity (TN, KA, MH, MP, OR etc.) have lower no. of buffaloes as compared to cattle.
  • GJ, RJ and AP (relatively dry/plain states) are the most balanced in terms of cattle and buffaloes.
  • Northern states with plenty of access to water and ponds (PB, HR and UP) have the highest number of buffaloes. Thus, actually making up the buffalo belt of India.